Barristers, accredited specialists, business and legal industry experts exclusive online professional development for peers which Support Aussie Kids Too!

CPD-LIVE Webinars

Join Bronwyn Pott and Paula Gilmour, hosts of CPD-LIVE and over 100 leading barristers, accredited specialists and legal industry experts. 

Subject matter and legal industry experts present legislation updates, insights, trends and case studies.  Thought leaders can showcase their expertise with CPD-LIVE webinar interview, interactive peer to peer presentation, handout, chat, feedback and rating. 

CPD-LIVE exclusive webinars include one and a half-hour online professional development which is recorded, and if relevant is:

  • promoted to CPD for Me™ Subscribers (22k+)
  • promoted on multiple social platforms (14k+)
  • includes live Q&A
  • highlights edited for speakers use on website and social platforms (2-5 minutes insights)
  • edited as interactive CPD and placed in CPD for Me™ exclusive on-demand library (1 hour)
  • edited for CPD for Me™ social promos (30 sec to 2.5 minutes). 

CPD for Me™ provides an ongoing speakers program and can assist with webinar capabilities training, engagement techniques, managing tech plus can provide further studio services.

Since 2017, CPD for Me™ content created “Sponsors Australian Kids Too” participating in #SAKT Y9-12 remote legal studies and MidCoast Digital Work Experience Program. 

Please note that our Terms and Conditions have changed 1st June 2021 and are unable to provide free production and marketing services.

CPD for Me™ promote you and your content on the following social media platforms
LinkedIn | FaceBook | Vimeo | YouTube | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram | Google Business

Not sure? Have a 15 minute chat with Paula